FRCEM OSCE Coaching Course


A unique 1-2-1 revision course specifically developed
by a Consultant in Emergency Medicine to improve your OSCE technique.


Not just practice OSCE stations, but critique and 1-2-1 feedback to coach you to better technique.

We actually teach you, not just test you!

Targeted to teach you how to pass the exam with ease

  • The course will teach you tips and tricks
  • Practice OSCEs with mark sheets
  • Focussed on optimising your exam technique and actually teaching you to get better, rather than just OSCE station after station with no room for improvement.
  • Bespoke 1-2-1 feedback on your technique, personalised to you
  • £1000 per course - bring colleagues if you wish

This intensive OSCE Course will ensure that you optimise your chances of success

in this key element of the FRCEM Examination.

Dates of next courses: 

  • Contact me for dates
  • Runs all through the year
  • As many cadidates as you wish

Cost:     £1000 (1 day)
